This ought to be interesting. Rumors are flying now that Idris Elba actually may be tapped to be the first black James Bond. (Now that would make a must-go see for me). And sooner than we think. Folks are saying he’s already in talks and he’s a perfect fit with the looks–and the fact that he’s British, as pretty much all James Bonds are.
Now this next part I had to put on here...just too hilarious!!
Check out what my fellow blogger "Remarkable Fashion" (http://remarkablefashion.blogspot.com/) had to say:
Bond,....Diddy Bond
It takes a lot of work to sit on your ass, be held by world class models, and wear fly suits.....Of course, Diddy should be considered for the next bond role. Forget, being able to take direction rather than giving it, have an ability to do most of your own stunts, like say the current Bond Daniel Craig and --god forbid-- be able to ACT!!
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