G.I. Jane is a 1997 action film that tells the fictional story of the first woman to undergo training in U.S. Navy Special Warfare Group. Although often believed to be U.S. Navy SEAL training, the character of Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil is selected to undergo SEAL/CRT Training for the fictional Combined Reconnaissance Team of the U.S. Navy. Unlike actual U.S. Navy SEAL training, the SEAL/CRT course depicted in the film is offered at the fictional Catalano Naval Base (meant to be located near Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville, Florida), rather than at Coronado Naval Amphibious Base in California. Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil (played by Demi Moore) is hand-picked by U.S. Senator Lillian DeHaven (Anne Bancroft) to go through the rigorous training right along with the men. O'Neil faces sexism and physical challenges as well as the horse-trading by the Senator who selected her for the experimental program. (Wikipedia)
I must admit Ridley scott put his foot in this one, definitely a great movie to watch!! One critic even said, "it is incredibley refreshing to see a movie with a woman who can prove that she is strong and capable, without resorting the typical cliched lines that the 'tough' women always use in most movies." As a viewer we are able to take Demi's character very seriously and not just another women trying to push her way into society. And even though the critics did not speak to highly of the film, I will have to say it definitely stood out and to me that made it a good movie!
Here is one of the essential scenes from the film...
Just in case you haven't seen the G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra trailer:
I have never seen this movie, but have watched my share of the G.I. Joe cartoon... I can't wait for it to drop this weekend! GO JOE!
G.I. Joe rocked! Great flick that folks would enjoy!
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