Need that quick movie review fix before heading to the theater... Wanna know what's going on in Hollywood Cinema... Wandering what is about to hit in theaters and what DVD's are set to hit the shelves... Well Black Savant Cinema (BSC) is just what you need!! A sneak peek into the cinematic world of movies!! Enjoy the ride!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Check these clips out!!
Summer 2009
G.I. Joe: the Rise of Cobra
The Taking of Pelham 123
The Fast and Furious 4
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Rewind Wednesday: Jumpin Jack Flash!!

Monday, February 23, 2009
Three Times a Charm for Ghostbusters fans!

Sunday, February 22, 2009
And the winners are....

And the winners are...
Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire
Best Director: Danny Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire
Best Actor: Sean Penn, Milk
Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight (May he R.I.P.)
Best Actress: Kate Winslet, The Reader
Best Supporting Actress: Penelope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Best Animated Feature Film: Wall-E
Best Original Screenplay: Milk, Dustin Lance Black
Best Documentary Feature: Man on Wire
Slumdog Millionaire did the darn thang!! What a night it was!! See ya next year folks!!
MADEA is baaaaack!!

With a high-speed freeway chase putting Madea (Tyler Perry) in front of the judge, her pardon is short-lived as anger management issues get the best of her and puts her in jail. An ecstatic Joe (Tyler Perry) could not be any more happier at Madea's misfortune. But Madea's peculiar family members the Browns (David and Tamala Mann) stick behind her, making sure to lend their special hand "down home"country brand of support. Throughout the film we are able to see Madea attempt to stay calm and keep her cool. This task in itself seems very difficult, maybe even
Meanwhile, we are introduced to Assistant District Attorney Joshua Hardaway (Derek Luke) who is well on his way to a fast track of career success. But in the midst of this rise of success Hardaway lands a case that is a little too personal for him to handle - defending young prostitute and former drug addict Candace Washington (Keisha Knight Pulliam) - and at the spare of the moment he must asks his fiancée and fellow ADA Linda Holmes (Ion Overman) to fill in on his behalf. Shortly after her appearance in court Candace is sentenced to 17 years (which sparks some suspicion). When Candace ends up in jail, Madea befriends the young woman, protecting her in a "motherly" way as only Madea can. As Madea serves her sentence she not only fulfills her jail time but teaches her fellow inmates the importance of responsibility and true forgiveness.
This film also showcases some newcomers to the movies including RonReaco Lee and Def Poetry Jam artist Tamika "Georgia Me" Harper. There is so much to look forward to with this film from the road rage driving to the infamous jail scenes. I can remember watching this as a stage play and laughing up a storm, I can truly say that the movie did its justice I was truly pleased. This movie is right up there with Diary of a Mad Black Woman and Why Did I Get Married. As always Tyler Perry did his thang! I look forward to many more of his films.
Grade: B+
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Partners In Crime!!

10. Dragnet (Dan Akroyd/Tom Hanks)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Rewind Wednesday: Trading Places

Trading Places is an Academy Award-nominated 1983 comedy film starring Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis.
Louis Winthorpe III is a successful Philadelphia commodity broker with mansion, manservant and girlfriend to match. Billy Ray Valentine is a hustling beggar. Winthorpe's employers, the elderly Duke brothers (Mortimer and Randolph), make a bet that by switching the lifestyle of the two Billy Ray will make good and their man will take to a life of crime. Suddenly Louis finds himself uncomprehendingly with no job, no home and only a new acquaintance, glamorous hooker Ophelia, prepared to help him. So at least in one way things could actually be worse.
Most of the movie was filmed on location in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Portions were set in New York City, at the World Trade Center and the New York Board of Trade exchange floor at 4 World Trade Center. Additionally, many of the interior office scenes of Duke and Duke were filmed within the historic rooms of the Park Avenue Armory. The scene in which Winthorp is arraigned takes place in the New York City Police Department’s 45th Precinct Police Station located at 2877 Barkley Ave in the Bronx. The brass capped metal fencing in front of the big desk is still polished every week. Additionally, the room in which Winthorp is ordered to undress while the police list his valuables is the room where the Police Officers from the 45th Precinct attend roll call. The final scene was filmed in Saint Croix, in the United States Virgin Islands.
So if you need a good laugh to get you through the week this is a perfect fit for you!
Monday, February 16, 2009
The International (2009)

Interpol Agent Louis Salinger (Clive Owen) and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Eleanor Whitman (Naomi Watts) are determined to bring to justice one of the world's most powerful banks after discovering they finance more corruption than corporate loans in The International.
This gripping thriller, showcases a compulsive Salinger in his relentless pursuit of The International Bank of Business and Credit’s and its covert dealings. To their surprise and suspicion they uncover illegal activities including money laundering, arms trading and the destabilization of governments; thus Salinger and Whitman's investigation takes them into the shadows of the world. Soon they find themselves in a high-stakes chase across the globe, realizing the bank will stop at nothing, leaving them no choice, but to take their retribution outside the international justice system.
Generally speaking its one of those films that is good but not great, I will say it would not be a waste of your money, it is a pretty good thriller with pretty decent cinematography. Clive Owen and Naomi Watts have a pretty good character partnership which is borderline far-fetched and still believable. They make a pretty good team. I will say this the locations in the movie are quite breath-taking and make you feel as if you are an international traveler taking stops in Berlin, Milan, Istanbul, Lyon and of course, New York. But I guess this would be obvious considering the film is titled THE INTERNATIONAL and thus the foreign locations make the story ring true to the chase for justice and to solve an international crime. It poses the question does Clive's Agent find something of a reward in this chase. I think if one were to read too much into this film they might would lose focus in what the film is trying to portray.
Grade: B
Some "International" Trivia:
*The film was inspired by the BCCI, or Bank of Credit & Commerce International, banking scandal, which took place throughout the 80s and into the early 90s.
*After badly received previews, the film was pushed back from its August 2008 release date to February 2009 to allow reshoots to turn it into more of an action film - only for the film to be released in the middle of the worst banking crisis in US history, undermining the film's premise of an unstoppable bank dictating political policy.
Money flows in for the Unlucky Day!

So with this new installment we have a young man Clay Miller (Jared Padalecki) who is searching for his missing sister (Amanda Righetti) in the legendary, spooky woods of Crystal Lake. And but of course he has been advised not to trek at this alone, but this movie would not exist if that did not happen. And we all pretty much know how the story goes along, folks start biting off a little more than they can chew. Thus resulting in entering in the trenches of the infamous killer, Jason Voorhees. if you really paid close attention one might see that this is borderline "reality tv", but hey who am I. Jason seems to be killing more as a sport versus revenge, if it was trying to compare to recent horror films (Saw and Hostel) it pretty much missed the mark. I can't really comment on the acting because there really was not any (probably intentionally so), but if i had to grade on the gruesome and somewhat scary killings they pretty much got the best award for that. As I think of this some more, I realize was this movie trying to attempt to be a good film or more so do its job of slashing and thrashing...You tell me...
Well all in all, it must have been a lucky day for the film Friday the 13th, it literally killed its competition by drawing in an estimated $42.2 million dollars this past weekend. Even still some things are meant to come to an end, you can only remake a movie so many times and it just be beaten like a dead horse. This was more so an attempt to follow along with the day and make a little money from it, quite convienent.
Grade: C
Did you Know? (Chicago Tribune)
In case you're not a learned "Friday" scholar you may wonder why it takes nearly half the movie for Jason to don his iconic hockey mask.
Answer: the burlap sack he sports through the first half is a nod to the killer's head-gear in "Friday the 13th Part 2." There, don't you feel smarter?
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday the 13th (2009 style)

Jason Vorhees. We've seen this psychopath conquer hell, Manhattan and even Elm Street! With Friday the 13th slashing into theaters today I figured I would take a look back into the beginnings of this movie and what it has come to today.
Top 10 Friday the 13th films from
10. Jason X ("Evil gets an upgrade!")
9. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (Many fans have stated that this was the worst film in the franchise, however there are some small things that keep it from being #10 on the list)
8. Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (Even though there was nothing final about this
7. Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (This one had to follow-up after a great Part IV, even though it did kinda give off a final definitive end to the series.)
6. Friday the 13th Part 3-D
5. Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood
4. Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (Presumed dead from Part V of the franchise, Jason took a back seat to the carnage for a while. From the opening credits sequence that pulls from James Bond, to the multiple murders and glossed over look, this is a Friday film for the ages. The best part though, Jason's face shredded by a motor boat propeller and even that can't keep him down. Just can't keep buddy down.)
3. Friday the 13th Part II
2. Friday the 13th (The original Friday the 13th! This is the "big mama" of the series and the movie that started it all. It may not have been the first, but it paved the way for exploitative slashers, and a long franchise of inventive kills.)
1. Friday the 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter (Often regarded as the greatest Friday the 13th film [and one of the best slasher films ever], with an all-star genre cast like Crispin Glover and Corey Feldman. The final moments of the film in which Jason falls to the ground and slowly slides down the machete blade is pure Tom Savini gold and easily one of the best effects in horror film history.)
*Honorable Mention* Freddy vs. Jason (This long delayed dream team match up deserves at least a nod on our list. The premise works well enough for us, as it follows a severely weakened Freddy Krueger using Jason to reinstall fear in the hearts of Springwood. When Jason won't stop killing, Freddy throws down and one of the most anticipated battles in horror history ensues. Sure, it has its problems , but this film delivered where it could've very easily floundered.)
Here's a little tribute that was put together by some viewers:
Friday the 13th (2009) is in theaters now.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Rewind Wednesday: Valentine's Day Special Delivery

That's what I think about everytime I watch this week's Rewind Wednesday film. This by far is probably my Number #1 favorite movie. This 1997 romantic drama film that I speak of is that of Love Jones!! There's nothing like seeing the upward-mobile young African Americans journeying through love in the midst of Chicago's club culture. Love Jones by far is one of those films that goes down in the books as a classic love/romantic film, in addition to a fantastic piece of African American cinema. Movies like this are just not made any more, and I soooo miss that. Many viewers have asked why there is not an award for Best ensemble, considering this film showed a skill of "vivacity" that cannot be achieved through editing. You can't help but feel what they feel, that electricity flowing all through them. Love Jones is able to portray that "When harry met Sally" kind of feeling without being too mushy or sappy, like mosty typical romantic films.
Love Jones is a film worth upholding. It is a beautiful love tale full of realistic characters. It is one of the few black films in the last twenty years that deplicts blacks like we truly are: intelligent, cultural and just as obsessed with being in love as anyone else.
Lets take a look at what "love jones" is "an attraction for someone: you're feigning for them in evey way physical and mental. This definition right here exemplifies what the movie is all about. Nina (Nia Long) and Darius (Larenz Tate) have this spark that ignites between the two of them to the point that even when they are apart or even upset with each other they just want the other even more! They get together, fall apart, but somehow they manage to start all over and make anew. It was refreshing when this movie made its debut, it was during a time when you had the "shoot-em-up, gangsta" movies running rampant.
The success of Love Jones is partially responsible for an increased interest in poetry slams and the spoken word art form as a whole in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In 2002, HBO began airing Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Jam, hosted by actor/rapper Mos Def. Two of the poems recited by Nia Long's character Nina were written by Sonia Sanchez and are included in her book "Like the Singing Coming Off the Drums: Love Poems."
Not only did it have a fabolous plot, chararcter development/chemistry (Isaiah Washington, Bill Bellamy, Lisa Carson, Khalil Kain), but it had a soundtrack that just flowed with perfection. Another great thing about this film is that it is still relevant today!! What more can you ask for than a sexy, romantic love story! It never ceases to amaze me how great this film is to me. I can watch it a million times (probably that much lol) and never get tired of it. Its like watching it for the first time everytime. What more can ya ask for?!! Shoot now that I think of it maybe I need to go pop in the film and picture my V-Day Love Jones!
Here are some words to take you into a fantastic V-Day!! I still get teary-eyed everytime I hear and see this scene!!
Nina Mosley: You always want what you want when you want it. Why is everything so urgent with you?
Darius Lovehall: Let me tell you somethin'. This here, right now, at this very moment, is all that matters to me. I love you. That's urgent like a motherfucker.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Push out the way....

This action packed film was intended to be a sci-fi thriller which showcases a group of young American ex-pats with clairvoyant and telekinetic abilities hiding from a clandestine U.S. government agency. with all of their talents they must band together and utilize their talents to escape the agency in which they are trapped in forever. If you are a "sci-fi" maniac please do come into this with high expectations only to be disappointed.
The film does however have an excellent cast including Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning, Djimon Hounsou, and Camilla Belle; but that's just not enough to suppport the downfall that results. Even with the ok story & action and the good characters it just did not quite hit the mark. I think a little more planning and development of the story would have allowed it to shine a little more. Many other critics have stated that it is "visually flashy but hyperkinetic and convulted" and I think that is speaking nicely. I think the director tried a little to hard to make this a solid sci-fi thriller and ended up falling short with the plot.
Its almost as though I was watching another version of X-Men with Storm and Wolverine as featured guest. The only high point in this film is that one can never really predict how it will play out, so in essence you kinda are on the edge trying to figure out how everything is going to go down.
"One push can change everything", well in this case it needed a HUGE push just to get through to the end. Better luck next time. Maybe if the director attempts to make a sequel it will come out with a better outcome.
Grade: C
Monday, February 9, 2009
He's Just Not That In To You!

This is one of those films that asks and answers the many questions from both men and women. One may think this is a typical "chick flick" but by all means it definitely is not that. The face that there were separate stories it was still amazing how they still were intricately tied together. And what makes this even better is that the acting is actually good, unlike the corniness that I had anticipated.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Don't Forget the Films coming out TODAY!!
Push (2009)
"There are special people in this world that have been born with psychic powers. In 1945, government agencies set up for psychic warfare, trying to turn those people with abilities into soldiers. After the war, governments began to set up divisions with agents trained to hunt them down like animals, test and categorize them. "
He's Just Not That into You (2009)
"This romantic comedy film is based on the bestselling book of the same name, which was written by former Sex and the City writers Greg Behrendt and Liz Tucillo, and is about modern day relationships and how men and women often misconstrue the intentions of the opposite sex."
PUSH: Based on the novel by Sapphire

Just recently it won the Grand Jury & Audience Awards at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival and now Oprah & Tyler Perry's production companies have picked it up to promote & distribute it! And with such a powerful cast (Gabourey Sidibe, Paula Patton, Mo’Nique, Mariah Carey, Sherri Shepherd, Lenny Kravitz) it's one not to miss.
Here is what Oprah had to say about the film:
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Winfrey said in a statement. “The moment I saw Push: Based on the novel by Sapphire, I knew I wanted to do whatever I could to encourage other people to see this movie. The film is so raw and powerful—it split me open.”
Here is a previw clip of the film:
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Rewind Wednesday: The Color Purple

This is one of those movies that appeals to all audiences regardless of color or gender. The Color Purple is a 1985 drama film is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name by Alice Walker. The film tells the story of a young African American girl named Celie and shows the problems faced by African American women during the early 1900s; including poverty, racism and sex discrimination. The character Celie is transformed as she finds her self-worth through the help of two strong female companions. The story can be depressing in many spots and uplifting in others. But it provides you with a true tale of survival and love. It offers a glimpse into the world of African Americans in the South nearly 100 years ago.
Though the film was nominated for eleven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actress for Goldberg and Best Supporting Actress for both Avery and Winfrey, it did not win any. Many perceived this snubbing was ignited by some controversy because many critics considered it the best picture that year, including Roger Ebert. However, other critics felt that the film had changed or eliminated much of the book's defense of lesbianism.
This is a film that can make you shed tears of sadness and tears of joy all in the same sitting; this would be considered quite a big step in the career of a common filmmaker. The Color Purple, at the time, was considered risky, especially after action classics like JAWS and Raiders Of The Lost Ark coming from Steven Spielberg. The Color Purple all in all, stands for the beauty of the fields and flowers surrounding these poor people. In the end, there really is something to live for, the fact that love triumphs over all.
Here's a scene stealer for you right here:
A classic Color Purple scene and the re-enacted version in Madea's Family Reunion:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Possible Spider-Man 4 and 5...

Director Sam Raimi has teased out a bit about one of the shooting locations for "Spider-Man 4". In an article written for The Oakland Press, the 49-year-old filmmaker revealed his hope on filming some scenes of the superhero movie in his home state of Michigan. "I'll be looking at Michigan for our second-unit photography on the new 'Spider-Man' film," he said as quoted.
The fourth installment of "Spider-Man" series, "Spider-Man 4" has been reported to be shot back-to-back with "Spider-Man 5". It teams up once again director Sam Raimi and lead actor Tobey Maguire. While it is still uncertain whether Kirsten Dunst will reprise her role as Mary Jane Watson, actor J.K. Simmons has recently hinted on his return as obnoxious Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson. And we might be seeing Morbius as the Spider-Man 4 villain. The superhero movie is expected to begin production in 2010 with the aim of 2011 U.S. release.
New Sherlock Holmes film

Monday, February 2, 2009
Did you see that?....
What's your thoughts?!
G-Breezy's Favorite Movies
- Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum
- Die Hard series
- Do the Right Thing
- Fracture
- Idlewild
- Imitation of Life
- Inside Man
- James Bond series
- Love Jones
- Malcolm X