Tariji Henson (Clarice Johnson) and Morris Chestnut (Dave Johnson) do an excellent job of showcasing the true life of a young married couple. many time throughout the film I would sit back and say "wow I have seen that", or even "Geesh that can really happen!". Both character bring that chemsitry that lights up the screen. To be honest it was much better than I had anticipated and was truly pleased to see the male perspective of the ups and downs of any relationship especially marriage. Anyone that watches it can testify that they see and take a little bit from Dave and Clarice Johnson. One key theme that I can see thru and thru this film is the idea of "being quiet...and listening", which is essentional to every relationship in life.
If you read the book you will realize that this is not to far from those pages that you would have read. And that is definitely a plus, accuracy is key! This movie truly touches the soul and really makes you think! So much can be gained regarding marriage and family. The leading characters in this movie really played their parts to a tee!! I can always count on T.D. Jakes bring that truth in such a way that makes you look deep, deep, deep within.
Grade: B-
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