Friday, August 5, 2011

A Reboot Worth Seeing: "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"

An origin story set in present day San Francisco, where man's own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for supremacy.

Lately this summer has had its ups and downs as it relates to movies worth the almighty dollar. And here was a film that because of the trailer I went to go see it. I will admit I was somewhat skeptical of the outcome, but would later be impressed. Director Rupert Wyatt is to be commended for taking on such a film that did not necessarily need to be remade, but did and did a good job with it.

Let's get straight to the point, the writing, the acting, special effects, story....excellent...two thumbs from me! From the beginning your attention is grabbed and held all the way to the end. With this film unlike some others the apes are truly the stars of the film and the human play the secondary role. It's definitely all about the apes. And although James Franco and John Lithgow play a great father-son duo the focus is not just on them. The story of how a cure for Alzheimer's takes a "left-hand" turn wrong is a great set-up to show the inspiration behind the ape rebellion, lead by Caesar.

I was most impressed with the journey of the main ape "Caesar" (so appropriately named). We get to see his progression from a curious, playful ape to one who becomes brilliant and angry by the minute. As he gets older he realizes his and his fellow apes reality. Cold and Harsh. These apes have such human like qualities that you can help, but feel there pain and empathize with them. You feel their pain and want to step and make sure all the ill treatment towards them is put to a halt. Their story could be like any humans story, it's all about making the right decisions that work best best for the individual. Let's also not forget how like like these apes were on the screen, it was actually kind of scary, but in a good way though.

Sometimes when a reboot comes along you get kind of scared that its going to be worse than the first or a total waste of film. Especially when it has been rebooted already and failed miserably!! Well this was not the case with Rise of The Planet of the Apes. Some might say that it pays much respect to the original 1968 sci-fi classic...I do agree! As a matter of fact, the Academy should consider an award for best CGI, because this film definitely showed us how to do it right! I think the movie had a specific plan and purpose and it did just that and some.

This was a movie where the people or animal that you want to win is the unexpected victor. I will say this you will be happy and pleased at who comes out on top!! The message is so clear and heart wrenching that you begin to take a personal look at your own life and see what you can do different and better. The movie also leaves you desiring just a little bit more and it definitely leaves plenty of room to do so.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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G-Breezy's Favorite Movies

  • Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum
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  • Idlewild
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  • Malcolm X