Sunday, May 2, 2010

Nothing More than a Disappointment....

Imagine cringing to your seat during the 1984 horror classic A Nightmare on Elm fast forward to today and picture yourself just throwing good money away down the toilet. This is the exact emotion I felt after watching the 2010 version of the 1984 film. As someone who is a fan of true horror/scary movies, this one did not really impress me at all. And trust me I went in with a very objective mindset, but still a fail.

I figured if nothing else that this remake would be entertaining, and boy was I wrong. One might figure that they had time on their side to really create a horror film to go down in the history books. Well it did do that, but it probably will be remembered for how bad it was versus a decent remake.

I could preach a sermon as to all the mistakes through out this movie, but I'd rather not. Let me just point out  some of the more treacherous mistake. First, the CGI is nothing more than a mere distraction, almost like an annoying knat buzzing in your face; when you are at the point when things look too perfect it pretty much loses its believability. For example, when Freddy bends the wall above Nancy. In the original it was much more creepier and it was produced in camera. Next the kills left me bored, basically to the point of slumber. "I fall asleep, Freddy shows up, Freddy says something, I'm stabbed, I'm dead" (wow!). Remember Rod (1984) being slowly strangled by bed sheets? Now not only was that was scary, but pretty darn creative (especially for its time) AND it left people thinking that maybe Nancy was imagining Freddy and that Rod had pretty much hung himself.

Lastly, the film spends the bulk of the film uncovering Freddy's "story," as if we don't know the story already, you even know it without seeing the film. Now there is a brief momemt (and trust me it is just that) where it plays with a slight twist of the original plot – a moment of clarity mixed with creativity, a rose blooming on a cloudy day – then it is immediately destroyed....ruined.

Nightmare on Elm Street 2010 was more like a terrible modern high school cliff-notes adaptation than a remake. Nothing new was even remotely brought to the table and not even an ounce of improvement was made either.

This is one of those films that is better left alone. No need to change, fix, replicate, reproduce, just let it be.

Grade: D

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G-Breezy's Favorite Movies

  • Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum
  • Die Hard series
  • Do the Right Thing
  • Fracture
  • Idlewild
  • Imitation of Life
  • Inside Man
  • James Bond series
  • Love Jones
  • Malcolm X