Based on a comic of the same name, this film is an old-fashioned action movie with tough guys, guns, chicks, and explosions. The plot has the main characters, The Losers, traveling from place to place, working together, carrying out various missions, exchanging witty banter, while trying to find and destroy the ever-so-elusive Max, a ruthless boss who is very well-protected.
The Losers was a prime example of a fast-paced action movie that really does not have to explain a whole lot. Which is a good thing, because it could have easily been a movie that just went overboard and bores you. One thing that I liked aout this movie was that with each scene it manages to be clever, action-packed, and full of humor. Sylvain White (Stomp the Yard) who directs this action flick manages to show the audience that wherever the plot may go, the characters along with their relationship dynamics truly make this film shine.
Plus when it boils down a great cast is put together, such as this one, the can elevate a movie to its high potential making you think that this was not so bad after all. The chemistry amongst the cast make you believe in the movie, they almost give off this vibe as though they have worked together (in some cases they have). Each character definitely contribute to this movie in a unique (trust me)!
Once again try not to dissect the movie or you will really disappoint yourself. Take it for what it is a "simple and straight to the point" action flick.
Grade: B+
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