Law Abiding Citizen is your typical "cat and mouse" game-type movie. "Do this or this will happen" type feel. This movie really is true piece of work. The focus is on a father Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) who gets beaten and ends up witnessing the death of his wife and daughter who are killed by 2 crooks. However the crooks' punishment is dimmed down because of a deal made by the Assistant DA Nick Rice(Jamie Fox) and his team of attorneys. Thus 10 years later, Clyde decides to take matters into his own hands by clearing out the entire corrupt justice system.
There is a solid performance between Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx, they work perfectly against each other. In essence, they pretty much feed off of the other to showcase a convincing thriller. Perhaps this movie portrays a message that will persuade some real change in the current legal practices. Gray definitely has a way shooting the film so that it accents the sound effects therefore making it an intense movie. Put it like this, Law Abiding Citizen, does a beautiful job of filming in a noir tone with excellent timing on the stunts and effects. I have always been a fan of him and this just proves even more how great of a director Gray is to the movie world!
This is a movie that will constantly keep you guessing as to what the next move will be. Every scene you will be wondering what will happen next, because you honestly won't know. The smallest key detail is important from beginning to end. Think of Clyde as the Joker or maybe even the Riddler, ruthless and dirty but smart and clever at the same time. At first you think he (Clyde) is right, but then he goes too far and just becomes another sociopathic criminal. Jamie Foxx (Nick Rice) does a superb job of trying to outsmart his adversary and by doing so, he learns a major lesson, "don't make deals with murders!!" Throughout the movie you will find there are moments when the villian is the hero and the hero is the villain, and then the "a-ha" moment is trying to figure who is who?
In the end one might wonder, should we all take justice into our own hands...
Grade: B+
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