"THE CHIEF OF POLICE AND THE CHIEF SUSPECT. They know each other too well to let a little thing like murder get in their way."
Man oh man when I tell you this week is going by super fast it is zooming, but I can't forget to bring you today's Rewind Wednesday Flick: The Mighty Quinn.
This is one of those films that you have to go dig deep in the closet, and if you are like me you got it on VHS and need to update to DVD format! The Mighty Quinn gave us the opportunity to see Denzel Washington a budding actor at the time take some international roots. This 1989 film set in the caribbean would star some amazing actors and actresses including Denzel Washington, Robert Townsend, Mimi Rogers, M. Emmet Walsh, Sheryl Lee Ralph, and James Fox. Based off the novel written by A.H.Z. Carr titled "Finding Maubee".
When police officer Xavier Quinn's childhood friend, Maubee, becomes associated with murder and a briefcase full of ten thousand dollar bills, The Mighty Quinn must clear his name. Or try to catch him, which could be even trickier. (Written by http://www.imdb.com/SearchPlotWriters?Renee%20Ann%20Byrd%20%7Bbyrdie@wyrdbyrd.org%7D )
Famed film critic Roger Ebert would give the film an overwhelmingly positive review, stating itwas one of the best films of 1989. Ebert would give the film film four stars. The high point, he said, was Washington's performance:
The film stars Denzel Washington in one of those roles that creates a movie star overnight. You might have imagined that would have happened to Washington after he starred in "Cry Freedom" as the South African hero Steven Biko. He got an Oscar nomination for that performance, but it didn't even begin to hint at his reserves of charm, sexiness and offbeat humor. In an effortless way that reminds me of Robert Mitchum, Michael Caine or Sean Connery in the best of the Bond pictures, he is able to be tough and gentle at the same time, able to play a hero and yet not take himself too seriously.
Overall this was an excellent film which highlighted the acting ability of several actors. It is one of those films you can look back on 10 years later and say that's a "great movie" lets pop it in!!
A little known fact: The U.S. did indeed issue a $10,000 bill in the early 20th century. However, it is incorrectly described by one of the characters in the movie as having a picture of "The President." The real $10,000 bill featured Salmon P. Chase, the Secretary of the Treasury during the American Civil War.
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