Lakeview Terrace (2008)
This much anticipated film for the new fall season hit theaters September 19th, and I have been on edge waiting since viewing the preview several months ago. Weeks and weeks of anticipation finally lead up to its debut and I must sayI was not too moved by this film. As an avid movie-goer, I may have overhyped myself for this particular film.
When watching this film, several different themes are floating around this film as we are wondering what may be the central focus of the film. And within probably the first 5 mins of the film you have probably figured it out what that central focus is, and that is the issue with race. When the film starts we see Samuel Jackson's character (Abel Turner) getting his kids ready for school when he sees his son is wearing a Kobe Bryant jersey and immediately tells (not ask) him to change into the "Shaq" jersey, and that we do not endorse that Kobe character. Immediately, I am struck seeing that the problems has just begun.
So as the movie continues the audience is introduced to the moving of the new neighbors Chris and Lisa Mattson (Patrick Wilson & Kerry Washington) into their new California dream home. And we can then begin to hint at the idea that Abel is not to fond of the bi-racial couples (for reasons that I shall not disclose as not to spoil the film)! To be honest, I felt like I was on a roller coaster when watching the film, at times I was on the high and then that high quickly came down into a slump. Throughout the film we are constantly teased with new new themes such as the good cop/bad cop, internal/external family issues, and personal happiness, but no thorough follow-thru.
After viewing the film one may wonder is Abel's issue with Chris and Lisa personally or is it with the fact that Chris is white and Lisa is Black....Inquiring minds would like to know?
Overall, the film did an excellent job in building up hype for viewers to come and see, but unfortunately it failed to launch otherwise. However, in the midst of a poor plot there was one good trait of the movie and that was, it did keep you guessing to the end as to why Abel is the way he is. In the end,there was a good cast of seasoned and upcoming actors/actresses, but unfortunately that was not enough to perform to its greatest potential.
Grade: C
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