Here's a look back at a wonderful 2007 Fourth of July movie experience:
Transformers: The Movie (2007)
What more can one say about the Fourth of July! As an avid movie-goer, I was excited about the holiday weekend and the movies that were in store! Probably the number one movie on my list and many others was that of Transformers. Directed by Michael Bay, who has wowed us with several movies this year and in the past, one would not be disappointed after catching this flick! The first initial two minutes grabs your attention to the point to where you have no choice but to enjoy the rest of the movie!As many know the film is based on the 1986 cartoon, in which two races of robotic aliens the Autobots and the Decepticons are in constant battle of the fate of the universe. There was a time when the battle was outside of the Earth's realms, but the battle has made its way to our planet. And now the humans are faced with trying to survive in the midst of a "tug of war" battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons. Throughout the movie we are able to see various storylines that still bring us to one universal theme of being able to sacrifice to receive victory! There is even a lesson of sometimes those in significant power can stand to use a little assistance from those of little power. And one lesson that I cannot forget would be that of sometimes we don't choose our destiny, but our destiny is chosen for us; but it is up to the individual to master it.I admired the fact that the movie was able to maintain its original form still adding that touch of modernism. The special effects had me sitting at the edge of my seat with my EYES WIDE OPEN and mouth in awe! Your heart will be racing and blood pumping in full effect. Just watching the actual transformation of the cars to robots makes me wonder, "could my car do that?"....lol! The personalities of the robots also gives an entertaining effect as well.Let me not also forget the humans that took part in the movie as well...lol! With actors such as Shia Labeouf (Disturbia), Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight, Anthony Anderson, Josh Duhamel, Meagan Fox, and John Turturro there plenty of room for a little piece of every piece of the theatrical pie. Each actor and actress played a role that provides the audience with a better grasp of the storyline.I could describe this movie in two simple words, "Pure Action"! After leaving the movie, I realized that even the cartoons of the 80's can stand the test of time today in the new millenium! I can assure that not only did the cars transform but the dollars will be too! Cha-Ching!!
What more can one say about the Fourth of July! As an avid movie-goer, I was excited about the holiday weekend and the movies that were in store! Probably the number one movie on my list and many others was that of Transformers. Directed by Michael Bay, who has wowed us with several movies this year and in the past, one would not be disappointed after catching this flick! The first initial two minutes grabs your attention to the point to where you have no choice but to enjoy the rest of the movie!As many know the film is based on the 1986 cartoon, in which two races of robotic aliens the Autobots and the Decepticons are in constant battle of the fate of the universe. There was a time when the battle was outside of the Earth's realms, but the battle has made its way to our planet. And now the humans are faced with trying to survive in the midst of a "tug of war" battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons. Throughout the movie we are able to see various storylines that still bring us to one universal theme of being able to sacrifice to receive victory! There is even a lesson of sometimes those in significant power can stand to use a little assistance from those of little power. And one lesson that I cannot forget would be that of sometimes we don't choose our destiny, but our destiny is chosen for us; but it is up to the individual to master it.I admired the fact that the movie was able to maintain its original form still adding that touch of modernism. The special effects had me sitting at the edge of my seat with my EYES WIDE OPEN and mouth in awe! Your heart will be racing and blood pumping in full effect. Just watching the actual transformation of the cars to robots makes me wonder, "could my car do that?"....lol! The personalities of the robots also gives an entertaining effect as well.Let me not also forget the humans that took part in the movie as well...lol! With actors such as Shia Labeouf (Disturbia), Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight, Anthony Anderson, Josh Duhamel, Meagan Fox, and John Turturro there plenty of room for a little piece of every piece of the theatrical pie. Each actor and actress played a role that provides the audience with a better grasp of the storyline.I could describe this movie in two simple words, "Pure Action"! After leaving the movie, I realized that even the cartoons of the 80's can stand the test of time today in the new millenium! I can assure that not only did the cars transform but the dollars will be too! Cha-Ching!!
Grade: An "A" all the way!!
And one more for ya!!
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
The series continues as Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) gets closer to identifying his unknown past while at the same time outmatching government agents who are trying to bring him down permanently. The movie does a superb job of rewinding and bringing its audience up to speed…just in case you missed Bourne Supremacy. This movie does an excellent job of making sure the audience can grasp to what is about to come. Bourne Ultimatum, gives a microscopic view of the CIA and the ins and outs of what one goes through in order to survive. The same people who have trained Bourne to be this rogue assassin have now turned their backs on him. Since being lured out of his unintentional hiding, Bourne realizes that maybe the role he had signed up for was not all that it intended to be. Bourne begins to realize who truly has his best interest in mind and who is in it to gain for themselves. One may question who am I asset for, the CIA or for myself. This series sheds light on the simple principles of right vs. wrong and even infamous tactics of “you scratch my back and I stab you in the back…” Its many twists and turns teaches the viewer that one sometimes has to make decisions for what is in the best interest of the individual. Bourne rips the agency bit by bit and at the same time is putting his life back together. He literally has to defend his life since a new organization “Blackbriar” headed by U.S. government official Noah Vosen (David Strathairn) has other plans for his demise. There are even more highly trained agents and assassins waiting to take him on. The directors and producers even go so far as to creating an amazing fight scene with a Treadstone assassin Paz (Edgar Ramirez) that is 90% real with no stunt doubles. It makes you sit in your theater cushioned seat and say “Damn…now that was a fight, better yet a battle!!” Bourne finally faces an enemy who can finally match him strength wise, considering in the past he could demolish a man with ease. When it is all boils down Bourne just wants to start anew, he’s gathered everything that he needs from past and present, now it is just a matter of bringing it all to the surface.Even though there have been rumors that this is the end of this spy-series, there is still the possibility of a branching off in other avenues. Bourne Ultimatum, leaves the door open for a possible continuation of Jason Bourne, or the rebirth of David Webb.
Grade: A