Please be warned that Shutter Island will definitely make your brain work overtime. However, if you are familiar with the mental health field, this is a great film to test your knowledge of what you have learned. Even if not familar it still will be a treat to watch. Many assumed that this movie would be a scary one, but on the contrary it is more of a brainteaser, to see how much you are paying attention to the movie. If you catch the the "trick" early all the pieces will pretty much come together and will make the movie flow alot easier.
Shutter Island has a story that is somewhat complex. It requires much attention. I will admit there were moments when the film began to lose me and fatigue was starting to set it, but I now believe that is all part of the plan to engage the audience. The movie does have a few moments where the story gets lost within itself, and things become a bit complicated. You probably will begin to lose faith and throw in the towel. Fret not because the story has you right where it wants you.
Scorsese does it again with a knockout punch combo of great acting, story, plot, and even a small pinch of action. The acting is spot on from every character, and the script is incredible; it has one of the most intriguing plots I have seen in a while. Despite its slow moments you can't help but to want to answer any questions that may come up, by continuing to watch the movie. The audience is constantly trapped in a world where one questions what is reality and what is dream. This movie is a true example of what a thriller is supposed to be especially a psychological thriller. Some might even say it is a rebirth of a Hitchcock-type thriller.
Basically, if you are familar with Martin Scorsese's work then you will understand the twisted plot and the journey that you will emabrk after watching this movie.
Grade: B+
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