When going to see UP's the story will seem a bit weird at first glance. Just think a Disney film with an old man as a protagonist. Could it be? I definitely did not expect that but that just gave it more cool points. The first initial 5 minutes of the film will touch your heart in a way that you can't help but to shed a tear.I literally got chills because it was just that real. This movie put many, almost all Disney to shame. The story will take you back and make you realize that there is someone in your family and/or life just like one of the characters.
UP teaches you the importance of life and how you should live life to the fullest. Sometimes one person can be put into your life a reason to set you free from hurt, harm, and danger. And regardless of how old you are life sometimes gives you a second chance, just so you can get things right. Mr. Fredricksen, has that nonchalnt spirit that just makes you want to give him a great big hug!
I must say this movie is too cute and very entertaining. A definite must-see movie for everyone not just the kids. Now I am not a cartoon fanatic but Disney did a heck of job with this one. How can you go wrong with a feisty old man, an annoying kid, and talking dogs... just priceless!! And to think this movie is loosely based on the life of Academy award winning actor Spencer Tracy.
Visual effects....CHECK...Amazing sound...CHECK...Pure Hilarious comedy...CHECK...Jaw-breaking action...CHECK...Heart...ALL THERE!!
Please take your kids, mom, dad, grandparents, cousins, and friends...everybody!!
Grade: A