Need that quick movie review fix before heading to the theater...
Wanna know what's going on in Hollywood Cinema...
Wandering what is about to hit in theaters and what DVD's are set to hit the shelves...
Well Black Savant Cinema (BSC) is just what you need!!
A sneak peek into the cinematic world of movies!! Enjoy the ride!!
For Colored Boys, The Evidence of things NOT Seen is a sort film that explores the criminalization, demonization and targeting of black men in America.
The film covers topics real life stories regarding the lives of black men ranging from racism/discrimination, emasculation, suicide, depression, The Assassination of the Black Male Image through Media, and more.
Directed and produced by Stacey Muhammad of Wildseed Films, it stars Julito Mccullum (The Wire, Miracle Boys), Robbie Morgan (Pariah, Shades of Brooklyn), Roudy St. Fleur (The Duel), Danny Simmons, Tiye Pheonix, and Kai Muhammad, along with narration by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing (The Isis Papers)
This is some deep stuff that needs to be discussed folks!! Also for more information check out the website For Colored Boys
The ABFF (American Black Film Festival) along with Black Enterprise & Uptown Magazine have declared October "Black Movie Month"!!
In addition to doing what's on the above flyer here on Black Savant Cinema I am going to highlight a "Black Film" each day starting October 1st!! So just like they have 30 days of Oscars, I will do 31 days of Black Film!!
It may be something you have seen or it might be something new for you to check out! And I might even throw in some trivia too!!
So make sure to check in for your daily dose of Black Film here on Black Savant Cinema!! And also check out
Focus Features says it has tapped British filmmaker Steve McQueen to
direct a movie about African musician and activist Fela Anikulapo Kuti,
who died in 1997.
McQueen is an artist whose first film was 2008's "Hunger."
Variety said he is co-writing a script with Biyi Bandele based on
Michael Veal's book "Fela: The Life and Times of an African Musical
Although Fela's life story is also the subject of the new Broadway musical "Fela!" the two projects are not related.
Known for his Afrobeat musical style, Fela was also famous for speaking out against oppression in Nigeria, the entertainment industry trade newspaper noted.
"Fela might be the most globally influential pop artist outside the
Beatles in the last 50 years," Focus chief James Schamus told Variety.
"The Broadway show is pure joy, but Steve and Biyi's vision is very
cinematic and distinctive. Fela was a revolutionary figure in world
culture, and Steve is an artist who had a strong vision of politics and
the world even before he made his first film. They are kindred spirits."
Hitting the internet waves just moments ago is the new trailer for the upcoming movie Joyful Noise, starring Queen Latifah, KeKe Palmer, Courtney Vance, Jesse L. Martin and Dolly Parton. Some have called it a cross between Sister Actand Glee.
This musically driven story (which by the way has a love story between Keke and Jesse) brings together the sounds of gospel, pop, country,
rock and R & B with some memorable songs, performed by the cast, from a
wide range of artists, including Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney, Chris Brown, Sly & the Family Stone along with others.
National Black Arts Festival Presents: "Fall for Film", a
weekend film series at Southwest Arts Center, September 30-October 2,
2011, presented by NBAF with support from the Fulton County Board of
Commissioners under the guidance of Fulton County Arts &
Culture. Curated by Leatrice Ellzy.
days, seven films, so many stories. This series includes features,
documentaries, family films and a surprise or two that you won't want
to miss.
The one thing I like about films/movies is that they can serve multiple purposes to entertain, to inform, to educate, etc. Well here is a film that will definitely inform and educate as well.
Rape and sexual violence/assault is a topic of discussion that is mentioned and talked about but is it really talked about enough?! The featured documentary No! The Rape Documentary delves into this topic head first and no holds barred!!
"...Aishah Shahidah Simmons, producer, writer, and director of NO! The Rape Documentary, boldly confronts the scourge of racial, gender, and sexual oppression, and its violent manifestations. Simmons, who understands the power of mass media, almost single-handedly put together a film that utilizes individual testimonials, scholarship, spirituality, activism, and culture to bring the reality of rape and other forms of sexual and physical abuse to the forefront of public conversation."--Thomas Burrell,
Check out the trailer here:
It's never too late to inform the masses and spread the word!! Any and everyone can contribute!! For more information about the documentary and the filmmaker check go to NO! The Rape Doc
"A roughly chronological collage that restores a complex human dimension to the racial history of the era." - NY Times
The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 is coming to a theatre near you!
The Black Power Mixtapeis a compilation feature documentary film that displays the story of the African-American community 1967-1975, the people, the society and the style that fueled a change. Told with sparkling, beautiful and deep footage, lost in the archives in Sweden for 30 years.
The film features such folks as Eldridge Cleaver, Kathleen Cleaver, Bobby Seale, Huey P. Newton, Emile de Antonio, William Kunstler and Angela Davis. Along with audio commentary by Erykah Badu, Harry Belafonte, Talib Kweli, Melvin Van Peebles, and Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson.
Check to see if it will be in a theater near you...This film has been receiving raving reviews and definitely takes you on a journey through a period of time that will always be remembered forever!
For more information on the film go to The Black Power Mixtape Facebook
--- September 23
San Francisco, MI - Lumiere
Los Angeles, CA - Nuart
Berkeley, CA - Shattuck
September 30
Cambridge, MA - Kendall Square
Washington D.C., WDC - E Street
October 7
Nashville, TN - Belcourt Theatre
October 14
Chicago, IL - Music Box Theatre
Detroit, MI - Main Art
Philadelphia, PA - Ritz At The Bourse
Atlanta, GA - Midtown Art
Seattle, WA - Varsity
October 21
New Haven, CT - Criterion Cinemas
San Diego, CA - Ken
October 28
Minneapolis, MN - Lagoon
Omaha, NE - Ruth Sokoof Theatre
St. Louis, MO - Tivoli
November 4
Denver, CO - Chez Artiste
Portland, OR - Cinema 21 Theatre
Salt Lake City, UT - Tower Theatre
Tucson, AZ - Loft Cinema
November 11
Kansas City, MO - Tivoli Cinemas
Boise, ID - The Flicks
For all my comic book and hip fans here in the ATL here is an opportunity that you do not want to miss out on!!
The Department of African American Studies at Georgia State University will be presenting a documentary viewing and discussion on "Black Masculinity in Comic Books and Hip Hop Animation" (Moderators Neil Schultz & Jonathan Gayles).
The award winning documentary White Scripts and Black Supermen: Black Masculinities in American Comic Books (New Name ) will be the featured showing. Now if you missed it when it came to the National Black Arts Festival then you will have another opportunity to watch this exemplary film. For my review check it out here Masculinity & Comic Books .
Black Savant Cinema will be on hand covering the event with live feeds, tweets, and updates!!
It will take place on Wednesday October 12th, 2011 5-8 PM at the Cinefest at GSU (66 Courtland Street SE Suite 240, Atlanta, GA 30303)
Mark your calendar for Fall for Film, a weekend film series at Southwest Arts Center, September 30-October 2, 2011, presented by NBAF with support from the Fulton County Board of Commissioners under the guidance of Fulton County Arts & Culture. Curated by Leatrice Ellzy.
Three days, seven films, so many stories. This series includes features, documentaries, family films and a surprise or two that you won't want to miss.
The story is centered around a 1965 mission of a trio of Mossad agents. Mossad is Israel's CIA. These three agents, Rachel (Jessica Chastain), Stephan (Marton Csokas) and David (Sam Worthington) are to capture the notorious Nazi war criminal, the Surgeon of Birkenau (Jesper Christensen), and bring him back for a proper trial of war time atrocities.
The Debt is the type of movie that can be summed up as "a Nazi hunt/spy thriller all rolled into one". I took notice of this film because of the sheer fact that Helen Mirren is in it! I mean the lady is a genius on the screen. It was refreshing to see a film such as this one showcase a serious subject matter in such a thrilling way. This film really does not require much to review in the fact that you don't want to give any spoilers, its kind of like one of those films that you will have to take a chance on.
There are so many elements to this film that you almost have to rely on a combination of the characters and the trailer. You might have to do a small bit of background on the film but not really much. As far as the characters go of course Helen Mirren stands her ground above and beyond, as expected. And then you have Jesper Christensen who plays is a believable psycho and ideal antagonist. This guy really made my skin crawl in so many ways, you can't help but want to see him go down in flames!! Then you have Sam Worthington who was not all that impressive with his role, just enough really to get by (not one of his better films). Now I also must make mention that this film was not meant to be "historical fiction" so if you plan to see it, make sure you take that expectation out of your mind. The film has a way of toying with your perception and expectation of the events in which you feel like you are going in every direction, but the one you want to go in. And the fact that the plot was able to go back and forth (using flashbacks) between the present and past was done in such a fluid manner makes the film that much more exciting and intriguing.
The Debt will keep you wondering from scene to scene what is going to happen next, or what this character is going to say or do. For just about the entire film, I was at the edge of my seat wondering what surprise would come next as the story would unfold. The one thing that it should be commended for is the fact that the characters as well as the story are not driven by a need for special effects and action. Sometimes a good storyline is all you need to make a film enjoyable. Here is a perfect example of a well written thriller/drama. In a sense it kind of reminded me of Munich and The Tourist.
My only concern with this film was the pace throughout the entire film and the ending (slightly disappointing). It was a bit slow at times, and then it would pick up at other times.The film give off a very dark and menacing feel, and then when you least expect it... a nice little plot twist. Don't rely heavily on the trailer, trust me there is much more to offer!! This film is what I would call "compelling and watchable"...see for yourself!
Who is it that I am speaking of Oxford-born actor David Oyelowo. In just two months Oyelowo has already starred in two major films...Rise of the the Planet of the Apes and The Help!! Let's just say he has been on a role. This rising star has been hitting the screen in various films (The Last King of Scotland, Derailed, As You Like It) with smaller roles, but as of lately Oyelowo has been taking on some major spots.
His newest project is from indie director Ava DuVernay (I Will Follow, My Mic Sounds Nice) Middle of Nowhere. Before hitting Hollywood Oyelowo was perfecting his skills in the theater and then next hitting tv. His love for theatre has not gone away, its just now he has to balance that along with his blossoming film career. So make sure you don't sleep on Mr. Oyelowo he has a lot to offer!!
On yesterday independent film direct Matthew Cherry premiered his upcoming film directorial debut The Last Fall!! Trust me you will love it, it's just that awesome!!
Perfect trailer to kick off the NFL season!!
The Last Fall tells the story of Kyle Bishop, played by Lance Gross, a 25 year-old budding NFL star who suddenly finds himself out of work, penniless and with no idea what to do next. Like many unemployed, ex-pros, Bishop returns home where he reconnects with his family and tries to rekindle old flames with his high school sweetheart, Faith Davis, played by Nicole Beharie. After a cold reception Kyle eventually finds his way back into Faith' life and heart. Soon Kyle decides to permanently sever his ties with football and start a new life with Faith and her son, VON. But just when he settles into a new job and a loving life with Faith, he receives a lucrative offer from a NFL team. Suddenly the father of Faith's son RELL, reappears and tries to win back Faith. Once again, Kyle is torn and doesn't know which path to follow. But this time is different. This time his decision will affect him and the people he loves. What will he decide?
Well today folks marks a happy day!! We are officially 3 years old!
It’s been an amazing three years so far and the fans and love are growing more and more!! I look forward to bring you more cinematic love and the only gift I ask of you all is to share and spread the word about Black Savant Cinema!! By becoming a blog follower of BSC, giving feedback, and sharing your thoughts that would be the best birthday gift!!
This article on Shadow and Act was so interesting I just had to re-post, and ask the same question, on to Black Savant Cinema. See for yourself:
The question of the day:
How Much Influence Do Movie Critics Have On Your Film Selections?
It’s an age-old debate regarding the real impact film critics and reviewers have. There are those that swear up and down getting specific reviewers to co-sign a film can equate, at the very least, critical success of a movie while others think those days are a bygone era.
Some filmmakers believe their influence is minimal and ineffective so they dismiss them easily. Yet, the minute they get a bad review, they’re on a hunt for blood.
In the end, the film goer is the ultimate deciding factor and that’s the question I’d like to pose to you. How much weight do you give critics in selecting the films you go to see at the movie theater? Also, do you have any favorite reviewers?
The fact that folks take the time to offer there "two cents" should count for something. I am sure there are times when it is right on the money and others where they take a "sharp left turn". All in all, I look at reviews as a collection of thoughts that can either convince you to go or not to go! Essentially the critic has done their job either way!!
As long as you keep in mind that it is someone else's opinion, and that in the end you ultimately make the final decision.
As an avid movie goer I typically like to showcase my own reviews of a film, however I just came across another critique which better describes my feeling about the film Colombiana. Read and see for yourself....
Classes are about to begin here at the University of Pennsylvania, so I took my lunch break to watch CoIombiana at a nearby theater. I justified this act by claiming I was going to look at the film using my sociological imagination. In truth, I went to see this movie because I like action flicks, and what is better than an action movie about a beautiful girl with a grudge on a summer afternoon.
Spoiler Alert! You should not read the rest of what I have to say if you do not want to know the plot of the movie Colombiana.
Cataleya, played by Zoë Saldana, is the beautiful, sexy, cold-blooded, acrobatic, master assassin and she is out for revenge served cold. In the spirit of Hannah and Salt the viewer is asked to believe that this beautiful, sensual, woman could be a .50 caliber, sniper rifle, toting murderer taking down the toughest man with a kick or well placed punch. Zoë does a credible, some might say heroic job of making this look possible. I halfway believe it is possible.
The film begins with Cataleya, a brilliant nine year-old girl, witnessing the murder of her parents by Marco (Jordi Mollà) the evil enforcer for drug lord Don Luis (Beto Benites).
As the camera focuses on young Cataleya, we see what appears to be a shy smart child. Marco reminds her of when they meet for the first time and begins to comment on her intelligence, and even says that he and her father (who he just killed) used to be friends. In a flash before our eyes, Cataleya transforms into a super kid, and in her first act of revenge she stabs Marco in the hand with a hunting knife before jumping out the window and escaping to the U.S. This is where she convinces her Colombian gangster uncle, Emilio (Cliff Curtis), to teach her to be a professional killer!
After about fifteen minutes my sociological imagination was screaming that every Colombian in this film was a drug dealer, murderer, or some type of criminal. Even baby girl was in training to be a murderer.
Given that I know more than a few Colombians, I thought this film distorted the truth about Colombian peoples. There is a certain ignorance about Colombians that is very prominent in the United States in which an entire people are once again seen as violent, crime prone members of drug cartels. Or maybe this is just another cliché about non-white people.
I know this movie was pretending to be raceless. This would be consistent with the old myth about the racelessness of Colombia and other areas of Latin America. Come to think about it, this is pretty consistent with the current ideological move in the U.S. to be post-racial unlike the other box office hit with major black characters, The Help, which is a film about a white woman who writes a book about black housekeepers in the U.S. before the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Here, Cataleya's race is not a subject of Colombiana.
However, the sociological sub-text of the film is Cataleya's race. Cataleya is black. Her mother is black.
Therefore being born of a Colombian assassin father and trained by a Colombian assassin uncle, she does not share the same racial space as either man. Both of whom could have passed for white in the Colombian context. I have been to Colombia more than a few times, so this seemed odd to me, but maybe that is because when I visit Colombia the Afro-Colombian community hosts me (with the one exception when the government of Colombia was my gracious host).
So this racial dimension in the film may not be obvious to the audience but anyone aware of the rising consciousness of the Afro-Colombian community will probably be a little taken aback. And, if the viewer has a sociological imagination, they would see that racial dimension as something missing from the film.
Let me end by saying something a little more sociological. Colombiana does in fact present a stereotype of the Colombian people. However, the biggest stereotype is of the filmmakers. The stereotype is of a film full of racial clichés and a lack of depth, but man that lady sure can kick high!
***Tukufu Zuberi is Chair and Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania and host of the PBS Series History Detectives
Well today is September 1st and we are moving at a fast paced through this year, and in these past almost 9 months the film industry has truly exploded in more ways than one. One particular highlight just in time for the new NFL football season is the premiere of former football player turned director Matthew Cherry's teaser trailer for his first feature film The Last Fall. Be on the look out folks it is exactly one week away!!
The teaser trailer will premiere on on September 8th, 2011. The Last Fall features some young Hollywood hit-makers in the making, Lance Gross and Nicole Beharie and some seasoned folks as well Vanessa Bell Calloway, Harry Lennix, and Keith David.
And just in case you need a little background here you go: After several years in the playing professional football, KYLE BISHOP is released from his fourth team in three years and returns to his home town, broke and at a complete loss about what he will do for a living. After an initially cold reception, Kyle reconnects with FAITH DAVIS, his old high school sweetheart. Ready to leave football far in the past, Kyle gets a job at a local gym and starts planning a new life with Faith and her young son, VON. However, when Kyle unexpectedly gets a lucrative offer from another professional team, and the father of Faith's son, RELL, tries to win his way back in her life, he is torn about what path to take.
Will you be tuned in...I know I will!! S/O to director Matthew Cherry for this project the world is anxious to see it!!