First let me start out by saying this a great movie for all those in any type of relationship whether dating, married, engaged, or just simply single. Radcliff and I went to see this and had a very stimulating conversation afterwards. After watching
Hall Pass you really begin to think about how much do you really value your relationship with your partner.
Remember the Farrelly Brothers and some of there many entertaining comedies (
Dumb and Dumber, There's Something About Mary, and Fever Pitch) well now we can add Hall Pass to that list.
Hall Pass has captured the well known male character of today's society - the suburban middle age male who gets a "hall pass". Now one may ask what is this "hall pass", its basically a week-long excuse for married men (or women) to behave badly, drink to excess and sleep with whomever. And by the end of the film you might have to ask yourself is it worth it to have a "hall pass".
So we start with the problem, Rich and Fred are two married guys who cannot help but notice all the attractive women who come within ten feet of their radar. And when they get caught on tape glorifying their sexual thoughts and wanted escapades, things take a turn far left. It's not as though, Rick and Fred are totally miserable in their marriages but they just feel they might could some serious action if they weren't "tied down". So their wives Maggie (Jenna Fischer) and Grace (Christina Applegate) give them this "all pass" so that they can let loose their male tendencies. Now one might think since they have been granted this "hall pass" that they would get buck wild and fancy-free.....well let's just say things don't really go as the guys would like. It almost seems as though its more of a hassle than it is freedom. And as much as we might think this "hall pass" is only for the men, the women actually kind of get a "hall pass" as well.

The acting in this movie does not require a lot, just as long as you can keep the audience amused. And Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis mesh very well together. They have such a great chemistry with this movie, and if you think about more than likely we know people (or maybe ourselves) that have their relationship/friendship. They feed off of one another to the point where they begin to rub off on each other. As a matter of fact all the actors played each of their roles with ease. And to top it off there was a well-written script, that came together for several big laughs. Just thinking about it now I can't help but giggle.

The one great thing that really liked about this movie was the approach that they took to convey there message. Watching this movie will definitely make you take a look at your current relationship status and possibly do some re-evaluating. Needless to say Hall Pass deals with some real-life situations, and thankfully you can get some solutions. The fact that it uses a very humorous platform the story becomes believable but at the same time it entertains the audience. Now don't get me wrong it can be a little over the top, but that just makes the story even more unique. And let me just say if you are not comfortable with sexual references or outlandish sight gags, you might want to take rain-check, but if that does not bother you then move forward with purchasing your ticket.
To sum it up you get a good dose of bar-hopping, golfing, laced brownies, sexual fantasies, and much more all tied up in one gift box.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars