Need that quick movie review fix before heading to the theater... Wanna know what's going on in Hollywood Cinema... Wandering what is about to hit in theaters and what DVD's are set to hit the shelves... Well Black Savant Cinema (BSC) is just what you need!! A sneak peek into the cinematic world of movies!! Enjoy the ride!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hey there now, I Love the kids too!!
Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa
Ice Age 3- Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Transporter 3
Possible Third Installment to the Batman Series.....Hmmmm
Its even possible that there are a slew of actor/actresses that could be on the docket including Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and even Cher.
So that we did not have to speculate anymore the infamous tight-lipped director spoke to the Los Angeles Times in a rare interview, hinting at a third film:
"Well... let me think how to put this. There are two things to be said. One is the emphasis on story. What's the story? Is there a story that's going to keep me emotionally invested for the couple of years that it will take to make another one? That's the overriding question. On a more superficial level, I have to ask the question: How many good third movies in a franchise can people name? [Laughs.] At the same time, in taking on the second one, we had the challenge of trying to make a great second movie, and there haven't been too many of those either. It's all about the story really. If the story is there, everything is possible."
When asked about what he might do next -- either another giant-sized blockbuster or something on a smaller scale -- Nolan seemed to have mixed feelings (Yahoo Movies).
"The Dark Knight" will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on December 8th. Warner Bros. Pictures has also indicated they might re-release the film into IMAX theaters in January to capitalize on it's Oscar potential. To date, the film has earned $527.8 million in the U.S. and almost $1 billion worldwide(Yahoo Movies).
All I can say is watch out now, its hot like fire!! I think Nolan will keep us in suspense and then hit us when we least expect it. Either way I will be waiting patiently!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Rewind Wednesday: Hav Plenty

This 1997 film based on an eventful New Year's Eve weekend in the life of Lee Plenty (Christopher Scott Cherot). Based on the true story of Cherot's unrequited romance with Def Jam A&R executive, Drew Dixon. This film takes a look into love and what can come of it if you act on it or if you let it go. Its one of those movies that makes you think about life and the many choices that one must make all in the name of love.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pride and Glory....NYPD at its Finest

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Trick or Treat!!
Top 20 (Plus an Honorable Mention)
1. The Exorcist
2. Poltergeist
3. Child's Play5. Carrie
6.The Shining
7. Friday the 13th
8. Silence of the Lambs9. Alien
10. Saw
11. Nightmare on Elm Street
12. Halloween
13. Psycho
14. Dawn of the Dead (1979)15. American Psycho

16. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
17. Dracula
18. Scream (just the first
19. The Thing
20. Underworld
21. Jaws (Honorable Mention)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Express... A tale to remember

The Secret Life of Bees...Now this is deep!!

What is also interesting about this film is the parallelism between Southern African American culture and that of the Ifa (Yoruba) culture. For example, in the Yoruba culture twins (aka. Ibejis) are thought to have special powers to bring good or bad fortune, and for this reason they are catered to in a way that other children are not. May (played by Sophie Okonedo) demonstrates this to a "tee" as she plays the surviving twin (April and May). She brings a release of pain, tension, and a will to survive through others. The whole Boatwright family provides a wealth of knowledge whether its self-identity, the need for love, embracing your passion, and a will to mentally free yourself.
This film brings about many themes which can be interpreted in so many ways psychologically and spiritual. Prince-Bythewood does an outstanding job of marrying this best-selling novel with the film. This all-star cast brings a ray of "sweet" sunshine. Many will come to this movie with tears in their eyes while watching and definitely before they leave the theater. Not only will the movie bring a sweet taste to your mouth but most importantly to your soul. All in all, this family film teaches young and old the importance of unconditional love, trust, and the bond between sisters whether blood or adopted.
Grade: A
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Body of Lies and Max Payne

“Your friends dress like your enemies and enemies dressed like friends…living the double life. Trust no one…Deceive everyone.” This is the year of memorable movie quotes and this one is no different from the past and even future films.
As if we have not heard enough about terrorism, C.I.A., and the F.B.I we get another movie that comes along and brings all three into the spotlight. Based on the novel by former Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, Body of Lies gives audience members a “heart-pounding” story of danger, deception, and deceit boasts. After viewing the trailer, I could not help but want to watch the film, something about a good terrorist film brings chills to one’s soul. Body of Lies demonstrates a modern-day tale of threats and suspense. In comparison to other films such as Lions for Lambs and The Kingdom, this film sheds a better spotlight on terrorism and its worldwide effects.
Recent divorce and U.S. Intelligence operative Roger Ferris (Leonardo Dicaprio) travels around the world, but has been recently sent to Jordan to track down a high-ranking terrorist. Ferris travels the globe following orders from of C.I.A veteran Ed Hoffman (Russell Crowe) while at the same time still tries to live a somewhat normal life. So that he can expose the terrorist, Ferris must join him in his illusory and violent world. Through out the movie we see Hoffman keeping tabs on Ferris via an unmanned aerial vehicle as to make sure he knows his every move. All orders seemed to be delivered with slight haughtiness and southern drawl. Hoffman plays out the situations as if he is playing a video game, dishing out orders whenever and wherever he pleases, even at his own daughter’s soccer game. It seems with every move that Ferris gets closer something always gets in the way, or Hoffman tells him otherwise. It becomes a battle to earn the trust of Hani Salaam (Mark Strong), head of the Jordanian General Intelligence Department who informs from the jump “to never lie to him”; and at the same time track the terrorist. Their uneasy alliance leads to cultural and moral clash between the men. Ferris later uncovers information on Islamist mastermind Al-Saleem (Alon Aboutboul) he devises several plans and sends them back to Hoffman but somehow each plan is never thoroughly played out as planned. This would happen on several occasions throughout the movie. As one can imagine Ferris is constantly infuriated, which leads to Ferris quickly feeling as though nobody is on his side.
Ridley Scott seems to do it again by establishing himself as one of Hollywood’s best and most resilient directors. By having two of Hollywood’s biggest actors Russell Crowe and Leonardo Dicaprio this adds to the credibility of the film. With Body of Lies having such a complex plot with many layers and sub-layers, Scott never loses sight of the picture. He does not disappoint, hopefully it will breakthrough the mold that every other movie in its genre could not.
“It’s about Islam, where we are and where we’re not, and its interesting, proactive, internalized view of that whole subject.” –Ridley Scott

Its 7:30 PM and I am at the Atlanta premiere screening of Max Payne at the Rialto Theater on the Georgia State University campus. I will admit I was a bit anxious because the film reminded me of Sin City (2005), which was a film that I did enjoy. Now an added bonus to the screening was that fact that one of the stars of the film Chris “Ludacris” Bridges was there to introduce the film and give a little background. His appearance was probably one of the highlights of that evening.
Keeping in mind that this noir film is based on the legendary video game which came out in July 2001, one can only imagine the type of action and excitement (or lack of) that will result from this film. Max Payne (played by Mark Wahlberg) plays a maverick cop who is on a mission to solve a case which is near and dear to his personal life, his wife’s murder as well as his former partner. This obsession for revenge grows more and more intense as he somehow draws closer and closer to finding the killer. With this intense fixation, Payne also finds himself taking a nightmare journey into a mysterious underworld. As he goes further into this mysterious journey, Payne must battle enemies from beyond the natural world and yield to an unimaginable betrayal.
The film does do some justice to the video game by opening the film as it does in the game by Payne (as an undercover cop) scoping out some high strung druggie teenagers and going straight into the action. Even though it still does have somewhat of a slow start, it does pick up speed towards the midldle. This is probably attributed to the movie setting up the background story. This may serve as a negative because it does take up a good portion of the movie (considering its only 100 mins). However, as the movie progresses I am somewhat confused and left hanging as to what story I should follow. Beau Bridges (BB Hensley) as well as Chris O’Donnell (Jason Colvin) play excellent roles as protagonists quite well surprisingly. I must say Ludacris does a compelling performance of Internal Affairs detective Jim Bravaur which is actually a 60-year old plump white man, adds a bit of twist don’t ya think. One thing I should fail not to mention is a highlight that I did learn from the film which was brought from the video game was “bullet-time”, which is a computer enhanced simulation of variable speed (slow enough to show normally imperceptible and un-filmable events, such as flying bullets). This all-star cast does not disappoint when it comes to bringing the video game to the real life screen, the storyline was somewhat accurate with some minor changes.
Overall the Max Payne was pretty decent adding many unpredictable plot twists and brilliant special effects. As Kurt Loder from MTV puts it, another video game brought to a grim starling life for the screen. Good thing I caught it early, I got chance to go to a red carpet premiere and beat the rush, sounds like a deal to me. As a little side note, when planning for this movie Director John Moore did listen carefully to his fan requests and integrate as much of their feedback as possible. This will probably bring a huge audience on the first weekend due to the popularity of the video game, but will it be able to sustain its fizz, or just fizzle out.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Watch Out....Here comes Captain America!!

A few perceptive observers noticed during the theatrical run of "Iron Man" that in the scene where Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) walks in on Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) as his armor is being removed, there was something on the workbench behind him. Circular, with red and white stripes and a half-completed star in the center, it was speculated that this was Captain America's iconic shield. (Kudos to Marc Daniel on Yahoo Movies)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Breaking News!!! Don Cheadle Replaces Terrence Howard in Iron Man 2

Now most people will agree, Howard and Downey Jr had a fantastic chemistry. But we shall see if Cheadle will be able to reproduce the same magic in the sequel. But I can't be mad at a brotha like Cheadle coming in for the assist he just might do the job.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Weekly Update

Friday, October 3, 2008
Eagle Eye (2008)

Jerry Shaw (Shia LaBeouf) and Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monoghan) have been somehow connected and realized that they have been framed as terrorist set-up to assasinate a politician. Amazing how one phone call can change your life for the worse and not the good as they would probably have hoped it to be. Both Jerry and Rachel's families are being threatened and put on the line in order to put a plan of attack into motion.
The film brings about many twists, unpredictable moments, and exciting thrills, although more fit for the IMAX theater. A jammed packed plot with a somewhat unrealistic plot, but I guess there's some action right. As the action escalates the interest level somewhat becomes depleted. Initially in the first 20 mins, I struggled to grapple with the film to keep my interest going, but nonetheless the action did help. As a matter of fact the the woman's voice on the other end of the phone definitely adds to the entertainment value and excitement of the movie.
It was a good attempt at trying to bring terrorism and technology into one to show how deadly they can be and at the same time make it an action-packed movie.
Grade: B-/C
Miracle at St. Anna (2008)

G-Breezy's Favorite Movies
- Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum
- Die Hard series
- Do the Right Thing
- Fracture
- Idlewild
- Imitation of Life
- Inside Man
- James Bond series
- Love Jones
- Malcolm X