Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Support this Upcoming Documentary "Color Outside the Lines"

Through my daily escapades on Twitter and Facebook I came across an Atlanta tattoo artist by the name of Miya Bailey (City of Ink). I became very impressed with a lot of his work and took an active interest in him as an artist.  I would later find out that Bailey has been actively working on a documentary regarding the black tattoo culture. Although I have personally not received a tattoo from him I have come to respect his work. And for those that know me I am an avid supporter of indie films/documentaries. So I had to spotlight this upcoming documentary.

On March 26th, 2011 via his blog MiyaBailey Blog Spot , Miya Bailey would announce a Tattoo film fundraiser for his documentary, Color Outside the Lines: A Tattoo Documentary.   

This is a film by Miya Bailey documenting the history of black tattoo artist and the culture itself. The documentary sheds light numerous topics including how when it comes to tattoos, most prefer quantity over quality. The film has been in the works for about 5 yrs now and is not yet finished. If you would like to see this project completed make a donation to support great art.

The film highlights the history of black tattoo culture and how it began in the south despite a heavily segregated climate for black artists seeking entry. We cover signature styles and how those styles have developed and influenced newer artists over the years. Tattooing in the media is another important aspect, as it is the biggest factor of how the cultures influence has spread. It is no secret that entertainers and athletes dictate the trends younger generations pick up on and tattooing is no different. What is suprising is despite the money these cultural icons have, some of their work is no better than the kid who got his in a basement down the street from his house. This further deludes the public as to what great artwork looks like and what is available to everyday people.

 Check out the video clip below...

For more information on "Color Outside the Lines" go to the following link.  Also check him out on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr .

Now you don't have to be someone who has tattoos to watch this, its a matter of respecting the culture!!

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G-Breezy's Favorite Movies

  • Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum
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  • Do the Right Thing
  • Fracture
  • Idlewild
  • Imitation of Life
  • Inside Man
  • James Bond series
  • Love Jones
  • Malcolm X