My first guest blog post over here at the great movie review site better known as G-Breezy's Director's Cut and I get to share my two cents on the movie Paul Blart, Mall Cop... what a joy folks, but I can't be bitter, because I picked the movie. Ha!
What can I say about this 'Mall Cop' movie? As with most movies that come out to a lot of undeserved fan fare, 'Mall Cop' was touted as "Funniest Movie of the Year", which is practically impossible to predict in January, but whatever. While an entertaining movie, I am glad that I didn't spend my hard-earned $10 to see the movie when it opened early this year.
An Adam Sandler film, comedian Kevin James stars as a mall cop (Paul Blart) who is essentially seen as a loser who takes his "paper cop" job too seriously for comfort. Living at home with his proud mother and daughter, it is obvious that Blart has no love life and seeks to find so via the world wide web. When his chances of love on the net and elsewhere in society begin to look bleek, Blart gravitates towards a cutie pie who sells wigs at a kiosk in the mall he guards. Blart really likes this gal, but has to compete for her affection with a jackass who manages a pen kiosk in the same mall. While love is trying to find its way in the air, a new recruit to the mall cop team ends up being a mastermind behind the overtaking of Blarts mall. This mastermind and his skating culprits take the mall and several of it's workers (including Blart's love interest) hostage in what's supposed to be a robbery based on sophisticated "night light" merchant reading. Blart is the only cop left inside the mall with the culprits of the crime and begins to take them on when he finds out that his love interest and his daughter (she becomes a hostage later on in the movie by accident) are two of the hostages. With a very improvised way of fighting crime, Blart takes back his mall and you actually find yourself getting into the movie and rooting for him as he takes on the main culprit who he believed to be a recruit who was as passionate about being a mall cop as he was. There is a crazy twist towards the end of the movie and though predictable, it did add a bit of extra action to the story. In the end, Blart wins the affection of his love interest and gets the respect of his fellow mall coppers.
I Red Box'd this flick just two weeks ago and while very much predictable, the movie showcased a half-way good plot that was executed well enough to keep your attention and make you LOL every now and then. This is the typical movie that plays on the stereotypical "loser" guy that wants to befriend a beautiful woman and in the end he gets her based on some act of heroism, so it is the type of movie that most of us have already either seen before or will already know how it will play out in the end.
This was not a torturous piece of work and it was entertaining, but for some (including myself), seeing it once will suffice. If you are looking for a cheap laugh, then Paul Blart Mall Cop is worth the rent.
Grade: C
So ladies and gents make sure you show Carsin some love!!
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