Marvel Studios has hired Don Cheadle to replace Terrence Howard in the upcoming Iron Man sequel. Cheadle will play Jim Rhodes, Tony Stark’s best friend and future War Machine. After watching Iron man this summer many had concluded that a part two would result including the character War Machine. The Hollywood Reporter’s sources claim it was a conflict due to financial differences as to why Howard will not be starring the sequel. Earlier this year, it was widely speculated that Marvel was trying to low ball Favreau with an offer not much higher than his initial payday for the first film. It is not unusual for salaries to double for a sequel, especially when the first film outperformed to the level that Iron Man had. Many believe tha the superhero characters themselves are the real stars, and some have said that the company is being thrifty in their negotiations for their future projects.
Now most people will agree, Howard and Downey Jr had a fantastic chemistry. But we shall see if Cheadle will be able to reproduce the same magic in the sequel. But I can't be mad at a brotha like Cheadle coming in for the assist he just might do the job.
i was kinda looking forward to seeing howard reprise his role in the sequel, but i guess the brotha feels he deserves more for being a supporting actor. i can not say that i am too keen on his new found greed, but he'll soon find out that it is his lost. now, i am looking forward to seeing cheadle do his thing in this new 'iron man' flick.
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yes!!!!! after all howard has an ablum to promote and cheadle is a better actor...
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